Saturday, December 6, 2008

Amway/Quixtar: The Shame of it All!

“Always call it “The Business” in public.

To not divulge the name of 'Quixtar', 'Amway', or 'Amway Global' in public doesn't exclusively apply to the deceptive curiosity invite practice--where people are basically duped into seeing the Amway business proposal; but is routine public procedure designed to shield distributors from the shame of being involved in such a lowly regarded affair—this despite all the current reputation rebuilding efforts that the Ada, Michigan, Alticor executives have embarked upon. Distributors are taught to only use the term “the business” in public to keep their involvement secretive. Distributors are taught to act very cult like indeed by their upline mentors and the never ending training materials they purchase from the tool kingpins.

The Amway name is generally held in low esteem by the general public--for good reason. Recruiters are forced to seek out the naive and vulnerable to sell their scheme on. The 'shame of it all' can only be explained away in a carefully controlled recruitment environment; not inadvertently leaked out in a restaurant or social setting. Most knowledgeable people would avoid attending an Amway recruitment meeting if the name 'Amway' was revealed inadvertently or purposefully upfront (as it should be). Many skeptical people ask the question 'Is this Amway?' and never receive anything more than obfuscation as a reply. Attendance at a Amway recruitment meeting is considered a waste of time by many people. (This is why I have proposed a Do Not Invite Initiative which would work similarly to the national do not call list for telemarketers.)
Seriously, why would anyone want to be involved in an affair that invokes such shame on the part of those distributors currently involved?

Why would someone want to be involved in a situation where it is disguised or denied to employers—a embarrassing situation for many employees. Most importantly, why would anyone want to describe this stinker of an opportunity as a great opportunity when it is absolutely not. To knowingly do this is indeed criminal intent to defraud! Amway is about as welcome as a stinker in a car, and who wants to admit to anything that vile?

Have you recently been tricked into seeing the Amway 'opportunity' fraud? If so, you've found the information necessary to see through the carefully crafted deceptions of 'the business cult'. You do not want to find yourself in the unenviable desperate 'hope and a prayer' situation of having to acquire an incredibly elusive 'downline' who really does not want to be found.
Amway Global is a terminal disease which has a nearly '100% rolling failure rate'.

Striving for success in a scheme isn't anyone's idea of real success. Just the fact that it invokes shame in those desperate enough to engage in its fraud should make any thinking person avoid it like the black plague.


Joecool said...

Quixtar is not Amway was the mantra of of AQMOs.

There is oftetimes deception used in getting people in front of the plan. If Amway was a great opportunity, you could simply advertise the meeting and a hoard of people would show up.

quixtarisacult said...

What I find most objectionable is how many of these AmQuix recruiters misrepresent their own success--when they have not had any. This is an issue the courts and the governmental regulators need investigate. This misrepresentation it is CRIMINAL INTENT TO DEFRAUD. Seems to me that all the fake it until you make it ideology is taught and supported by the tools and the upline. This would make the intent to defraud a conspiracy.

John said...

Mathmatics people, Mathmatics. Lets talk how it mathmaticly does work. Duplication is the key not tools and seminars. and by the way i am not ashamed to tell people about the opportunity. I dont invite to meetings I sipmly put it as it is direct selling in which you have to move at least 50 pv in order to recive a bounus check and if you duplicate those efforts it mathmaticly works by finding 2 distributors/investors and duplicate and duplicate. now unless math was not a strong suit then this was confusing

Anonymous said...

@Levi. What about economics? what Bout demand, supply, saturation and competetion? Surprisingly this so called business model seems to be immune to that