Saturday, July 28, 2012

Why is Amway Apologist David Steadson Obsessed With Anti-Amway Blogger Steve Nakamura?

David Steadson is best known as "IBOfighback" on the World Wide Web. He is a shameless "Apologist" for the Amway MLM Opportunity Fraud. Steadson, along with a few of his followers to include "Bridgett Baron" and "Wearyeyed" who collectively travel throughout the Internet promoting Amway as a great business opportunity and supposedly setting anti-Amway bloggers and commentators straight. I have accused Steadson, a citizen of Sweden, previously of committing the crime of "Intent to Defraud". Steadson cannot be unaware of the fact that nearly all who join the Amway Cult make no money, but lose their investments of time, money and prestige. Amway operates a "Closed Market Swindle" whereby those recruited hoping to make money lose it instead and become victims of the very fraud Steadson and his ilk promote, although they provide zero proof that they themselves have been or are successful in the very scheme they advocate to others.

Who is Steve Nakamura? Steve is a Anti-Amway blogger, a former Amway adherent who writes Amway - The Dream Or The Scheme and who also has a presence on the Internet as a well known anti-Amway author and commentator best known as "Joecool". Steve Nakamura's views about the Amway opportunity are diametrically opposed to those of David Steadson's. As Joecool, Steve asks his readers to critically analyze Amway, the Amway 'tool systems' and the real chances of success in the Amway scheme.

David Steadson as IBOFightback in his role as apologist for Amway seeks to divert the attention of prospective Amway Cult Recruits to the lies and deceits that Amway has promoted for itself over the past half-century. Anti-Amway author David Brear describes these lies as the 'Amway Labyrinth'. Steadson basically parrots the lies the Amway Cult has been promoting as reality inverting truth. One of these lies is "that if the dream is big enough, the truth doesn't matter."

Steadson has written an article critical of Joecool, Steve Nakamura on his "The Truth About Amway" in which his primary goal is to smear his arch nemesis as some sort of sexual deviant who makes up lies about himself and Amway. The author of this blog asks readers to ask who is the bigger liar here? Why would Steadson spend so much of his time to smear Joecool? Obviously, the truth hurts, and so Steadson has gone to extremes to paint Joecool as the ultimate anti-Amway troll. The truth is, there is no bigger pro-Amway troll on the Internet than the Amway whore, IBOFightBack, the pundit of deceit: David Steadson.